Sunday, April 14, 2013



The process:

We have been going through a deliberation process to choose a common global issue to address, the goal is to create a story that conveys a message against discrimination and design a play that we will present in our Mother´s Day Festival. 

We are working in teams:

El proceso:
Durante este ciclo escolar hemos trabajado junto con otros países y con otras personas para identificar problemas sociales que nos preocupan desde un punto de vista global.  Hemos realizado diferentes actividades para darnos cuenta de los problemas mundiales que existen entrevistando a otros niños y a otras personas en México y en otras partes del mundo.  Después de deliberar a cerca de que problema es para nosotros importante atacar, decidimos que la DISCRIMINACIÓN.  

Hemos aprendido la importancia de crear un proyecto y de planear los pasos a seguir, para llegar a un resultado.  

Hemos aprendido a trabajar en equipo y a utilizar las redes sociales y la tecnología para aprender y para dar a conocer a otros lo que aprendemos.

Hemos aprendido la importancia del lenguaje para comunicarnos tanto en inglés como en español.  

Hemos aprendido a respetar y a retroalimentar a nuestros compañeros con comentarios constructivos en la red.

Hemos aprendido la importancia de la EMPATIA, para poder comunicarnos con otros y la practicamos con diferentes actividades todos los días. 

Hemos aprendido técnicas multimedia para comunicar distintos mensajes.

Utilizamos y desarrollamos la creatividad, cada grupo trabaja con sus ideas y nos divertimos con ello.

Aprendemos de otros al compartir nuestro aprendizaje!

Hemos  aprendido a investigado en diversas fuentes de información digitales y en libros a cerca de la discriminación.

 Hemos aprendido el poder de  la estrategia TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING para producir contenido que llegue a muchas personas y que ayude a identificar, a hacer conciencia y a unirse a nuestro proyecto participando activamente.  El crear historias, hace que podamos incluir la EMOCIÓN en el aprendizaje, por lo tanto estamos haciendo lo siguente:

Our story of discrimination.

While Dan, Hector and Angel were investigating about discrimination our partners were working saying ideas to make the story 

While we were writing our story our partners were doing the dialogues for the assemble and decide who would be the principal characters

While we were memorizing our dialogues our partners were reading their dialogues.
Angel and Saul

Our project
Our project is based on migrant discrimination.
First we were divided in teams and we were investigating about discrimination, then while some teams were investigating about different types of discrimination other teams were investigating why does discrimination occurs.
Then we investigated some movies, music & documentals about discrimination, we didn't have a type of discrimination yet so we were searching about all kind of discrimination we can use.
While we were searching that, Miss Martha checked our work so she can decide which movie can we adapt & perform.
Then Miss Martha finally decided to make our own version of "West Side Story", so then she created 2 teams in which we were going to make our own story based on that movie (West Side Story- Migrant discrimination).
Finally we made our own dialogues so at the end we joined the two stories and only made one.

While Angel, Saul and Mauricio were investigating something about inmigrants Daniel was investigating about problems that the inmigrants have when they wanted to cross the border.
With that information the group decided to use it and join the information with the story and also tell how migrants are treated in other country.
Then while we began writing the story the other members of the team were writing the dialogs and then we finish all.

By Daniel and Mauricio.

Story of our assembly

While we did our story we were investigating about different kinds of discrimination.
Our story is about discrimination to migrants, it is based on "West Side Story" and the scenery is Canada, where four Puerto Rican guys arrived illegally to have a better life.
We did our story together although we had some problems because we couldn't get to an agreement. We started working our story all together but we couldn't finish it the same day. The next day, we continued with our story but we divided our team, while half of the team were working on the story, the other half were working on the dialogues. We spent some days working on dialogues and making characters but at the end, we finished them.
Them,when we finished it all we sent it to miss Martha and she selected one story and corrected it.Then miss Martha printed the story and gave us the dialogues.

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