Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Earth

1- They have many different species
2- The color of the Earth is blue and brown.
3- It is in the Solar System.
4- Is a terrestrial planet
5- It's the planet that have life
6- It has only one satellite.
7- It was created millions of years ago.
8- It is the third planet from the Sun.
9- The 2/3 is water
10- It is in the Milky Way.
1-We need to take care of the planet because it's our only home.
2-We need to take care of the planet because the oxygen is limited.
3-We need to take care of the planet because it has limited resources.
4-We need to take care of the planet because it has millions of species.
5-We need to take care of the planet because it's the only planet with liquid water.
6-We need to take care of the planet because It's the only planet in our solar system that has the right atmosphere.
7-We need to take care of the planet because it is the only planet we know where we can live in.
8-We need to take care of the planet because it's the only planet with the proper conditions for life.
9-We need to take care of the planet because It has lots of forests.
10-We need to take care of the planet because there are some species that can't do anything about Earth's contamination.

I think that we care the planet because is our home and we can care the Earth for the future of the people.


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