Monday, November 14, 2016


 "Pastorela & Posadas"

In Mexico, Christmas is the best season of the year.
With the "fiestas" also called "pastorelas" and "posadas".

Pastorelasare plays that recreate the biblical passage where the shepherds follow the Star of Bethlehem to find the "Holy child". Pastorelas set the stage for the whole of December and leave us, through their playful language and funny situations, the most important message of the season: Good always overcomes Evil. 
The pastorelas started in Italy.

Las Posadas are a nine days of religions observance, we break "piñatas", and we sing special song of posadas. 

Piñatas: are made of newspaper, and a special paste, we put fruit inside the "piñata", then we break the piñatas with a bat. The peaks of the piñata mean the seven deadly sins.

"El Nacimiento": One of the fundamental elements in these dates is undoubtedly "The birth", although it is linked to a religious holiday, is also important for all those who celebrate the arrival of Jesus to the world.

By Francisco and Daniel.

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